Sunday, December 2, 2012


            Many people are fortunate to never experience a migraine. You don’t really know what one is like until you get one or deal with them on a regular basis. I probably get them once every other week- sometimes more, sometimes less. I am lucky because I can kill one if I notice it soon enough and take Excedrin.  That usually takes care of it. However sometimes I just get a bad one and have to avoid the computer, any electronics, rest my eyes, and be in the dark. I have also found that if my sleep schedule gets messed up, I will most likely get a migraine. If I sleep in (anytime past 9am) or don’t get enough sleep, I should brace myself for a potential migraine. Although sleeping in is what every teenager would like to do, it’s something I have to accept and know about myself.
Everyone is different when it comes to triggers, the sense, and the feeling of migraines. My mom can sense when she is about to get one before actual pain comes, but I generally cannot sense them beforehand. For me, I can tell the difference between a migraine and a headache because during a migraine, my right side of my face and eye hurts. I can be thankful that besides migraines, I am healthy and have no major health issues.  (228)

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