Sunday, October 28, 2012

"Keep Calm and Carry On"

            I am just going to be honest; I’m really stressed out. I have been hiding it for a while, but I cannot take it anymore. It seems like I am the only one that has homework! All of my work friends never have any. I guess they might just not do it, but they still have decent grades. Along with nightly homwork, I have so many projects, tests to study for, work, college related things, family and personal needs, and soon finals will be here and we have the great opportunity to take exams. Am I just being a big baby and complaining, or is this an epidemic that needs a cure? I feel like I’m alone and simply going crazy I can't imagine that I'm the only one that feels this way.

            First of all, I understand that every teacher has a deadline and schedule to keep on top of and that sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do even if it means pain felt by students. But why make the test large and so soon?
Second, please please please stop the busy work. We’re in high school for goodness sake. No kid really wants to sit at home and make and color a comic strip unless they are in an art class. This is certainly understandable and fun activity for elementary and middle school students, but i'll be the first to say 'no thanks' on the “fun and educational” crossword puzzle.
Finally, I have so much a large homework load and an extensive to-do list that I am always behind it feels like. This 1) requires me to skip lunch and work on homework in the library. Not eating anything for lunch is can definitely not be good for me. 2) I work on homework in the morning before school. It would be so relieving if I could be ahead in all of my classes for just one day.
Despite the enormous stress, I have some great people that are encouraging and are helping me through the last stretch of the trimester. I know that there’s a point where you just have to stop worrying about everything and take things one step and day at a time. Try your best; that’s all you can ever do. And finally, take care of yourself. Sleep is important and keeps you focused, alert, and feeling better, just like eating breakfast does.  (402)

1 comment:

  1. You're aren't the only one, Linds! I'm right there with ya! :) How do other people make it look so easy? Maybe we make it look easy too? We are all great actors, in my opinion! ;)
