Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Low Temps, Low Tolerance

       Since I haven’t done a rant or ‘things that really irk me’ post, I figured I would try one out. Today was the first day back after a three day weekend. Most would say that they feel refreshed and ready for the week, but I would argue that a couple more days would be nice to recuperate. I guess it turned out to be an average day at school. For the most part my classes and work ethic went well, but I also had the mindset of ‘Why am I here?’ and ‘It’s so cold out. I would rather be at home under a blanket.’ I guess to really sum up why it wasn’t a fantastic day would be because everyone was SO squirrely today. By squirrely I mean: obnoxious, overexcited, low attention spans, and a lack of concern for other’s learning. As I know that most of my readers are juniors, I am going to put this lightly on you. You really don’t need to be that excited nor cheerful at 8:00am, sorry. I really just want to go to class, learn in peace, and not be interrupted by your constant gossip of what you did or what you want to do with Jimmy. Ew, my ears did not need to hear that. There’s a time and place folks, and school isn’t that.
To finish my day at school, I thought of a few things that really bother me as I was walking out of school. I’m not quite sure why these stood out to me today, but they did and here they are:
1)     Using your money for the wrong reasons: I think that there’s a time and place to use your money, whether you’re filthy rich, dirt poor, or somewhere in-between. It’s good to use money to help others if you donate or send them gifts, but it shouldn’t signify your power, which I find happening in our school system more often than not. This is probably a bit Democratic for me to mention this, since Republicans would argue that it’s their money that they earned. I will just leave it at that and let you form your own opinions….
2)    Leggings: Dear lord people. Don’t you remember the Facebook group that said, ‘Leggings are not pants’? Some might present then that yoga pants and running tights are basically the same thing, and I would somewhat agree as they are not a complete substitute to real pants, but yoga pants and running tights have a function. Leggings have the function to be worn under skirts and dresses (more of an accessory you could say.) Not to be worn by themselves so you can look like a ‘hipster.’ No matter how cool the design or fabric, I really do not need to see the outline of your booty as I happen to look down the hallway when I’m standing by my locker, sorry not sorry.
3)    High school students who think they are in love: All I’m going to say for this one is that, you are not in “love” as a freshman let alone a sophomore. Sorry, but the likelihood of you marrying your high school sweetheart are one in a million. Also, your reasoning and judgment have not fully developed psychologically, so what you consider “love” now, may be totally skewed. I suppose it’s nice to have someone that you can call yours in high school, but I’m just going to say that it’s pretty nice to fly free and not feel attached to someone. Maybe that type of thing is for you, but if it’s not, don’t feel bad about being single, you’re definitely not going to be “forever alone.”
4)    People who don’t hold doors open: This, my friends, is a common courtesy that your mama or papa should’ve taught you when you were a child. I don’t know why or where this expectation came from, but it’s something you do and it’s simply considered rude if you don’t. No one wants a door slammed in their face. Clearly, my bus-riding friends don’t understand this concept. Because every day when I walk out to my car in the North lot, squirrely underclassmen scream, yell, and attack each other and then proceed to not care about other people around them and I get a door to the face. So please, just be a traditional American and hold doors open for those behind you…. you will make someone’s day a little better.  (747)

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