Friday, January 11, 2013

Feeling Accomplished

            Hell week is over. (Otherwise known as midterms) Before this year, I never had to take a midterm exam, I just always knew that it happened in college and often schools that are on semesters. …Someone please remind me why we are on trimesters? Not the point…. But anyways, my aunt and grandparents bless their hearts; always ask me if I have extra homework or big tests at midterm. I always used to say, “Nope, not really, I guess no more than usual.” Looks like I will have a new response when they ask me again this year.
            Yesterday I had 3 tests, THREE, all in a row, with a quiz in 4th hour. Needless to say, I wasn’t too thrilled before I went to school, let alone the night before. I studied my forty-six vocabulary words for AP Spanish by making online flashcards (I was actually pretty proud of my creativity on that one). After, I did practice problems and other review for AP Chemistry (there is a lot to remember!) I looked over my notes for Stat, but we can use our notes on tests and quizzes so I wasn’t too concerned about that one. Finally, I studied for Economics. Coach White gives us a note sheet for each test, but since I had three other things to study for, I just looked over my notes and decided it wasn’t worth writing it all down again for a couple hours of sleep. The great part of it all was that when taking the test, I never once had the urge to look at my note sheet, even if I did have something on there. The test was over supply, demand, and market-clearing so it was all application, looking at graphs, and scenarios; it wasn’t simply definitions or things to memorize.
The only crappy part of the day was when my lead ran out at the end of my AP Chemistry test. There were a couple questions left that I didn’t know, so it wasn’t a big deal when I used a pen for the remainder of the test, but I also was freaking out because I had two more tests and a quiz to take, with no time to acquire lead. I asked Ms. Bush if she had any lead, and she gave me a pencil so I wouldn’t have to worry about anything. -She is the best!
            Today is actually "midterm" and I had an in class essay (“un ensayo”) for AP Spanish. It was a little difficult because if I didn’t know the word for something, I had to talk around the word I wanted to say. The best part of completing the essay was that I felt great whenever I finished writing that much, all in Spanish. It’s definitely a difficult task, but then it makes you realize how much you know. Whatever the grade comes out to be, I know that I tried my best and that’s all I can do.
            I am feeling great because I don’t have much homework this weekend! It will be a relaxing weekend filled with family, a little work, maybe a movie, and some time for myself. On Saturday I need to get my scholarship application and essay done- I’m so close, so there’s no reason not to, right? It’s due sometime next week, so if I get it sent in this weekend, I will be set.  (570)

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