Yesterday I had 3 tests, THREE, all in a row, with a quiz in 4th
hour. Needless to say, I wasn’t too thrilled before I went to school, let alone
the night before. I studied my forty-six vocabulary words for AP Spanish by
making online flashcards (I was actually pretty proud of my creativity on that
one). After, I did practice problems and other review for AP Chemistry (there
is a lot to remember!) I looked over my notes for Stat, but we can use our
notes on tests and quizzes so I wasn’t too concerned about that one. Finally, I
studied for Economics. Coach White gives us a note sheet for each test, but
since I had three other things to study for, I just looked over my notes and
decided it wasn’t worth writing it all down again for a couple hours of sleep.
The great part of it all was that when taking the test, I never once had the
urge to look at my note sheet, even if I did have something on there. The test
was over supply, demand, and market-clearing so it was all application, looking
at graphs, and scenarios; it wasn’t simply definitions or things to memorize.
The only crappy part of the day was when my lead
ran out at the end of my AP Chemistry test. There were a couple questions left
that I didn’t know, so it wasn’t a big deal when I used a pen for the remainder
of the test, but I also was freaking out because I had two more tests and a
quiz to take, with no time to acquire lead. I asked Ms. Bush if she had any lead,
and she gave me a pencil so I wouldn’t have to worry about anything. -She is
the best!
Today is actually "midterm" and I had an in class essay (“un ensayo”)
for AP Spanish. It was a little difficult because if I didn’t know the word for
something, I had to talk around the word I wanted to say. The best part of completing
the essay was that I felt great whenever I finished writing that much, all in
Spanish. It’s definitely a difficult task, but then it makes you realize how
much you know. Whatever the grade comes out to be, I know that I tried my best
and that’s all I can do.
I am feeling great because I don’t
have much homework this weekend! It will be a relaxing weekend filled with
family, a little work, maybe a movie, and some time for myself. On Saturday I
need to get my scholarship application and essay done- I’m so close, so there’s
no reason not to, right? It’s due sometime next week, so if I get it sent in this
weekend, I will be set. (570)
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