Underclassmen begging to go to prom
There is a big difference between getting asked
by a senior unexpectedly than begging to go every day on Twitter, Facebook, and
other forms of social media. I say tweets constantly that follow this model:
"Heyyyy if anyone would want to do this, I mean I would say yes. ;)
;)" "Do this" meaning a cute way to ask someone to prom. I
understand if you're a foreign exchange student, will be moving away your
senior year, or if you have a senior boyfriend or girlfriend, or a fling going
on. However, it's very selfish to beg when it is a senior prom. It also makes
you sound really needy. There are several seniors who would be dying to go to prom with
someone, but can't because an underclassmen took a potential date. Kennedy has
always had a senior prom and it will stay a senior prom for a specific reason.
We all waited our turn, and so can everyone else. It's like that one last shabang that you can remember your
best high school friends by. WAIT YOUR TURN.
2) If you
get asked to prom, GO WITH THAT PERSON.... please don't say no.
It took so much guts for that person to ask you,
and it's simply rude to say no, regardless if it wasn't the person you have
been dreaming will ask you. If you make the best of the situation, it will be
fun... I promise you. Some people would kill for someone to even ask them, and
some don't end up with dates. Yet you're still "too good and popular"
and you know probably five people will ask you.... congratulations. Because
(girls for the most part) reject boys, it automatically causes stress and worry
for boys in future years because they know rejection could be a possibility,
when in reality 9/10 times the girl will say yes. Hopefully things will change.
3) Don't
over-think things. Just have fun!
I have come to the realization that it doesn't matter
if you go with a boy, get asked in a cute way, or get a corsage. Although that
would be lovely and nice to have someone do that for you, it doesn't matter and
there is no "right" way to go to prom. Whatever you end up doing, it
shouldn't matter as long as you have fun. It may even be more fun if you don't
have someone always with you. (447)
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