Think: all men make mistakes
But a good man yeilds when he
Knows his course is wrong,
And repairs the evil: The only
Crime is pride.
Although we have not directly talked about this in class, I think pride and self-judgement is important to take note of. Just like in the article "This is Water" David Wallace Foster discusses the fact that the majority of the human race, including himself is self-centered and has self-centered thoughts. Just like in the quote from Teiresias, when someone knows something is wrong, he tries to fix it even though it's still bad. Because we are always so worked up and worried about doing something wrong, the crime is not doing something wrong, but worrying about our pride and what people think of us. It's important to be nice to others at all times and everyone is bound to make mistakes at some point, so why do we always rush to fix the bad? The bad times are what builds us back up and teaches us a lesson. Only we can fix our future, and the only way to keep adjusting is to keep learning new things.
From what I have seen in the outside world; whether it's babysitting, watching people while shopping, or driving down the street, people worry too much about what others think. Their pride is everything to them. Heaven forbid you picked your nose while driving. Seriously, life will move on and you probably will never see that other driver ever again. I would agree that picking your nose is gross, but there are worse things you could do in life. Don't worry about the aggressive tailgator behind you, worry about yourself. Just like in school, "keep your hands to yourself" and "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Even adults need to listen to those more often and realize you don't need to unconsciously put someone down just because it makes you feel better- it's mean, so please just stop. Finally, we constantly judge others while at the same time others judge us. Why do we feel the need as humans to put others down to boost our pride? It seems like we all have it backwards. Everyone just needs to be nice to each other- no violence, no fights, no cattyness, no nothing.
Be a good citizen and be nice to everyone you meet. (401)
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